
Brady Miller
As a hunter with official Pope & Young records in three different countries, Brady is a hunting expert with over twenty years of experience. Brady is the Digital Content Manager of goHUNT and handles all the day-to-day editorial content and goHUNT's social media channel and has been published in Trophy Hunter Magazine, Eastmans' Bowhunting Journal, Western Hunter, Bowhunter Magazine, BOwhunting.com, Bowhunting.net, Bowcast, Bowhunting Adventures Magazine and the US Geological Survey.

Brian Barney
Living in the small mountain town of Ennis, Montana, Brian Barney is fortunate to log more time on the mountain than most. His long track record of continually harvesting old age class animals on public land is beyond impressive. These accomplishments extend to practically every Western state. As host of the Eastmans' Elevated podcast, he shares tips and tactics which have helped him become one of the most consistently successful western bowhunters of our time. Brian may very well be one of the hardest working, most positive guys you'll ever meet, and his passion and drive are absolutely contagious.

Brian Call
Brian Call grew up on a rural countryside property in the woodland forests of Oregon’s Willamette Valley adjacent to large patches of untouched timberland. He spent his childhood roaming the woods with his cousin and next-door neighbor; catching crawdads, fishing, shooting bows, and riding horses. Brian’s father was an avid archery hunter, and he bought Brian his first hunting bow when he was 12 years old—the legal age to hunt in Oregon. Soon after, Brian and Ben went on their first elk-hunting trip and have been devoted elk hunting fanatics ever since.

Dr. Hillary Lampers
Dr. Hillary Lampers, ND is Ryan's smokin' hot, super-intelligent wife. She knows pretty much everything about health and wellbeing. As a doctor, Hillary's emphasis is on helping men and women age healthier throughout the years and enjoy a more active, engaged, and fulfilling lifestyle. She focuses on redefining the normal aging process and empowering patients to dramatically improve their overall quality of life. Hillary seeks out the most cutting-edge therapies that are highly effective at mitigating age's effects on the body and mind. She utilizes the foundational principles of a healthy lifestyle along with her specialties to create a holistic and well-rounded experience for her patients. Her emphasis on lifestyle management can considerably help patients avoid some of the more daunting risks of getting older, such as Alzheimer's, dementia, bone loss, heart issues, and cancer.

Jason Phelps
Jason Phelps established Phelps game calls in 2009. He was always fascinated with calling animals into close range and thinking about hunting. He set out to make the most realistic and easy to use cow elk available. He has since moved to making predator, deer, turkey and other calls. Jason has been chasing animals through the rugged mountains of Washington since 1994 and has taken numerous animals with his bow. Though, his favorite hunts are calling bulls in during September and chasing mountain muleys.

Joel Turner
The best word to describe Joel Turner's instruction is TRANSFORMATIONAL. This instruction is life-changing and involves the knowledge hunters and high-stress shooters have been seeking since hunting began. The science of Controlled Process Shooting from ShotIQ is not based in opinion but on the reality of how the mind works while shooting. Joel Turner developed this system after embarking on a path of research that was set forth by failure. It took a lifetime to develop. This deeper level of thinking has also been applied to the science of Instinctive Elk Calling. Joel Turner is a two-time RMEF World Elk Calling Champion in the Professional Division. Through his research on primal mammals, Joel has developed a simple calling system that plays on the instincts of the elk and not their attitude. Again, the knowledge gained in this course will be a game-changer.

Dr. Kaare Tingelstad
Kaare Tingelstad is an Emergency Department Physician, National Ski Patrol member, a prior member of Joshua Tree's High Angle SAR Team, and a former paramedic with a passion for pre-hospital care. During winter, you will find him telemark skiing in Oregon or Montana. When there isn't snow on the ground, Kaare will be kayaking or hiking wherever there is a trail or water. In between seasons, he will be found hunting in Wisconsin.

Mark Livesay
Mark Livesay grew up in the state of Missouri and spent many of his years chasing whitetails throughout the midwest. Though Mark only moved his family to the west a few years ago, his nonresident status didn't prevent him from hunting elk year after year. Mark found tremendous hunting success in learning areas through his online research and has become an absolute master at e-scouting. This expertise, as well as creating a detailed hunt plan, has helped many folks "up" their game and fill tags more consistently when traveling to new states. Mark is an incredible teacher and is excellent at sharing his years of knowledge in elk hunting as well as digital scouting techniques.

Ryan Lampers
Ryan Lampers has spent a lifetime learning how to be consistent at hunting down mature animals. For over 30 years, Ryan has spent countless days in the mountains chasing mule deer, elk and bears in places few ever step foot in. Ryan has a knack for finding and hunting down the old age class animals in just about every state, no matter the species or type of terrain. He seems to have another level of commitment to being prepared in every way to ensure every hunt is filled with opportunity. As co-host of the Hunt Harvest Health Podcast, Ryan shares much of what helps him with consistency on the mountain and the overall health level required to do so.